While Googling Mr. Lalime for confirmation that he is playing tomorrow (and thanks to Shelby's wonderful brother, Jason, we will be in attendance after all!) I found out an interesting tidbit:
The next time Patty wins (wink) will be his 200th win of his career, something that only he and 65 (64?) other goalies have done. I think that's pretty freaking awesome! Special enough to maybe, lets say, get a sign on the wall tomorrow night? Yeahhhh, that sounds good.
No, it's not 104 shutouts, but it's something that will draw some nice attention to him...especially since it's not something Mr. Miller has done.

Ain't no thanggggg.
Bonus Tidbit: Patty also holds the record for best start to a career with 14-0-2.
Someone eats his wheaties!
I can't wait until tomorrow to see that 200th win! ;)